When people recall their favorite spa, they remember the masseuse they had, the pedicure they received and the overall customer support they experienced. You know what they don’t remember? The furniture. And that’s the point. Spa furniture operates a weird category of furnishings where it is to be comfortable, but not so comfortable that it steals the show. The one thing it cannot be is uncomfortable, of course.
A good massage chair bed is a perfect example of this. It allows a customer to receive a massage or facial while half sitting down, half lying down. This creates a comfortable position that is not so overwhelming that it distracts from the relaxing service they’re receiving.
Facial chairs should operate the same way. It’s great receiving a facial, but the chair used can distract from this if it’s not just right.
Another component of using the right furniture is making sure you have the right supplies to keep it hygienic. Your staff should be instructed to clean down any equipment used as soon as the customer leaves. Forgetting to do so cannot only result in a negative experience for the customer, but potentially a violation of health codes by your business. You could be shut down and, even if you’re not, it will be difficult recovering from that PR nightmare.
Article submitted by Comfort Soul. The company sells every kind of massage spa table you would need, pedicure chairs and so much more.